Subaru Turbo Diesel

I love diesel technology! Diesel is clean, cheap, powerful, and most of all efficient. Diesel fuel offers anywhere from 18 to 30 percent more energy than gasoline. While diesel's higher density results in higher greenhouse gas emissions per litre compared to gasoline, the 20–40% better fuel economy achieved by modern diesel-engined automobiles offsets the higher-per-litre emissions of greenhouse gases, and produces 10-20 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than comparable gasoline vehicles. I am super excited that subaru is bringing out a diesel boxer engine... why? Well its is going to running amazingly smooth, have tons of torque, and be great on fuel. The new fuel for the next 5 years (in North America) is going to be diesel. I am honestly angered that it took so long to bring diesel the North America, as everything in Europe has been running on diesel for years. Well... salute! I accept this age of diesel, lets continue to develop this technology where we can still have power, and fuel effiency.
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